The following links have been provided for you to hopefully find what you are looking for. If you would like to add a link to this page, please feel free to forward it to me via the contact me page. Thank you.
FEEDS (follow me)
- Facebook – A feed that adds to the information and photographs shown on the sightings page.
- Twitter – A feed where I post sightings at the time of viewing or dipping birds, butterflies, etc.
- Flickr – View a selection of photographs I have taken.
- Birdguides – Provides up to date information on all of the national birdwatching news.
- Fatbirder – Provides information on all aspects of birding.
- B.O.U. (The British List) - A link that points towards the official british list on the British Ornithologists' Union website.
- B.T.O. – Provides upto date information on all aspects of Birdwatching, including surveys.
- RSPB – News from around the world, including surveys and RSPB Nature Reserves.
- Durham Bird Club
- Durham Wildlife Trust
- Teesmouth Bird Club
- Low Barns Nature Reserve
- Col's Digiscoping Blog
- DB Website Design – A website design and photography service I offer to clients/customers in Bishop Auckland and beyond.
OTHER LINKS (bird food, nest boxes, accessories, etc.)
- Ark Wildlife - Wildlife lovers who offer carefully selected natural food, habitats and extremely high-quality accessories.
- BTO - Build your own nest boxes.
- Vine House Farm - Works in partnership with the BTO to make a positive impact for birds.